Sunday, 6 December 2020


Major Lee Carbuncle ascended into a dome pollutant formula causing rupture in the central nervous solar system of the cosmic body again. Suffer war criminal like valiant demon parading virtue of incest like crying woman in machine cog wheel laced with dynamite and legacy of inservitude. Major Lee Carbuncle reports to Captain William C. always and forever. Nevermind the cloak behind the cellar window looking into the fire lake like a vision of excrement soaked in special bleach concoction twisted into the veins of children and a circus rat show on world tour number ninety nine. Special ops training and a knack for poodle balloons does C. sport, never too hesitant to show them off either. A lousy bloke. Turn of the century broke itself on the frame of modernity like a sabotage terror cell engulfed by intrigue and taper claw whip sewn into blanket but left in the mud like a forgotten old testament someone heard me speak of this in my own house in the comfort of my own home. I've spoken with him many times. I'm following his footsteps through the dark forest at midnight waiting for his curse to lift. And then came an old cat who spoke French to me. What a surprise. Someone gave me a line and then I rubbed my eyes and wished for freedom.


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