Since the day I was born I knew I was destined to run a blog. Not just any blog, this blog, the only blog. What some may call "the Last Blog". But I don't follow that sort of trite sentimentalism. I like to look at things as they are: the year 2018 is done, complete, is it not? And as an online semi-periodical for a dormant record label, it is our civic, if not global duty to contribute to the torrential flood of reflective opinions on the year's happenings, goings on, banquets, do's, festivities, mundanities, successes, failures, disappearances, coersions, murders, , and other forms of EVENTS, both of the sonic and material qualities - is it not?
DB Influenza would never have bothered because he was too preoccupied watching his psychological mind-sculpture slowly disintegrate in front of him. He claims it took seven years to carve out, seven lonely years spent in an oversized refrigerator where the only the source of consistent illumination was the light of his mind. Apparently, this light has since gone out.
Yes sireee bill it's a year end list like all the rest of em. When it comes to the musical endeavours I hardly heard a peep from the world, though more than in past years. Truth be told I listened to Townes van Z, Sandy Denny, and old Jim Shepard 90% of the time. That's the truth. The lie is that I was mining the underground from my remote maritime outpost, digging up gems that I shall now impart upon you, the reader. But I probably heard plenty of stuff. Here's what I can guarantee you was listened to by me more than twice:
Tarkamt :: "Live at the Necropolis"
- I guess this one takes the cake. Just the kinda thing I like, not just because Alan Bishop shows up to blast a sax solo.
NON Worldwide Compilation Trilogy
- behemoth encyclopaedia of contemporary mega music.
Enhet for fri musik ::"Det finss ett hjorta som for dig"
- wrought iron proof that Scandinavians still have access to recording devices.
Special Interests :: "Spiraling"
- a supergroup, of sorts.
Agnarkea :: "Black Helicopters"
- a conversational beat parade. Pronounced "anarchy".
Bonaventure :: "Mentor"
- mostly the title track.
Essaie Pas :: "New Path"
- Marie Davidson and some guy - maybe you know him?
Rik and the Pigs :: "A Child's Gator"
- rock music should not mean suck music.
Eiko Ishibashi and Darin Gray :: "Ichida"
- I had a few good mid-year naps to this that I will never forget.
chik white :: "Stranger Calls to Land"
- wait...didn't this come out in 2017!?
Honorable mentions to Hank Wood and Friends, Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement, Klein, US Girls, Lonnie Holley, anything that ended up on the Blog of Roland, Richard Papiercuts, Mosquitoes, Mariah Carey, JPEGMAFIA, Lavender Flu, Senyawa, Mdou Moctar, Alison Cotton, Chris C. and Bill O., Dead Girl's Party, Rosali, Negative Scanner, Judy Dyble, Soho Rezanejad, William Parker, Tashi Dorji, etc. etc. etc. ad infintum... +reissues.
And there you have it. A mych heavy year on the rhythm beat than on the traditional scuzz n scronk than I've gravitated towards in the past. Perhaps it was due to the official retirement of Brian Turner's show on WFMU, my primary source of scuzz n scronk for nary a decade. No matter, I just go with the flo. I synthesize the sensory world into my own making, as should you.
I know yr wondering, but Glen, you said chik white, but where's the rest of the LOCAL TALENT? Have you no respect for your community? Tsktsk, there were plenty of worthwhile transmissions emanating from my immediate proximity, I was just going thru a "phase" and a lot of it didn't make it past my nose hairs. No matter, I predict 2019 will be a champagne year for K'jipuktuk/Halifax City. Yes it's all gonna happen in 2019. It's already happening, innit?
And the rest of you...better luck next year!
-G. Davis
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